Road To Your Name - Season 3, Episode 3: Listening to Aronhiaies Herne talk about the spirituality of lacrosse

Today's guest is Aronhiaies Herne, Mohawk Indigenous Knowledge Keeper from the community of Ahkwesahsne.
Mohawk Indigenous Knowledge Keeper, Aronhiaies Herne shares his knowledge of the spirituality of lacrosse from the Hotinohsion:ni perspective.  Within Hotinohsion:ni culture, lacrosse is known as The Creator's Game.  Aronhiaies tells us why.

Creators and Guests

Lisa VanEvery
Lisa VanEvery
Lisa has worked for Aboriginal Legal Services for over eleven years. She began hosting the Road To Your Name Podcast in December 2020.
Eric Anderson
Eric Anderson
I am the technical producer for this show.
Road To Your Name - Season 3, Episode 3:  Listening to Aronhiaies Herne talk about the spirituality of lacrosse
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